Brazil becomes a Full Member and Germany is Launched


Nuffield International is pleased to announce further development of the global farming scholarships brand by welcoming Nuffield International Farming Brazil as a full member country, and the introduction of Nuffield International Germany Associate as a new Associate Nuffield country.

Nuffield International Farming Brazil

Nuffield Brazil had its genesis in 2013 and in 2017, the Nuffield International Brazil Associate was formally created. It has now become a full Nuffield member country and the organisation strives to promote and meet the objectives of Nuffield International by funding scholarships for farmers and agricultural professionals in Brazil. It has 50 members that are agricultural leaders in multiple sectors with a strong desire to help and promote Brazilian agriculture and the exchange with other leaders around the world.

Murilo Bettarello, President of Nuffield Brazil and a 2017 Scholar who studied how digital technology can help producers, is looking forward to expanding Nuffield across Brazil.

"Nuffield International has awarded 14 scholarships to Brazilian agriculturalists since 2015 and we are driven to build on this and to develop the future leaders of the agricultural industry".

"We have spent recent years raising awareness of the Nuffield scholarship program, and identifying investors such as Castrolanda, Bom Futuro, Nufarm, Biotrigo Genetica, Stara and Cooper Fibra. With their generous support, and a fantastic team around us, we look forward to growing Nuffield here in Brazil to develop more local, national and global thought leaders".

Brazil becomes the ninth Nuffield member country alongside the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada, France, The Netherlands and Zimbabwe.

Nuffield International Germany Associate

The Board of Nuffield International is also delighted to announce that Germany has officially become an Associate Nuffield country.

In recent years, Germany has been an integral part of the Nuffield Global Focus Program, hosting scholars to showcase the best of German agriculture and led by Stefan Teepker, a broiler, pig, cropping and energy production farmer.

2017 Dutch Nuffield Scholar Roland van Asten is based in Germany, and he and Stefan will oversee the new Association. He is a pig, biogas, cropping, solar power, sheep and beef producer in both Germany and the Netherlands.

Roland and Stefan are supported by Henriette Keuffel, the first Ambassador of Nuffield International Germany Associate who participated in the 2020 Contemporary Scholars Conference in Australia. Henriette works for the Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft as Project Manager of the German 'AgrarScouts' public relations and communications program in Eastern Germany.

The team is also supported by Andreas Liebel, a Bavarian State Agricultural Advisor.

Roland van Asten is confident that Nuffield Farming in Germany has a strong future ahead.

"We have a roadmap for the next 12 months, we have outlined a sustainable budget, and we are working towards identifying potential scholarship or ambassador investors and awarding the first scholarship in 2022.

The Board of Nuffield International would like to congratulate both Nuffield Brazil and Nuffield International Germany Associate on their expansion and enthusiasm to grow the Nuffield brand internationally.

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